Our Publication

Read the latest reports from HAARAN, including capacity statements, project summaries, and more.

Inclusive Education Project.

This project aims to expanding availability and accessibility to inclusive education services for children with disabilities as result of improved learning environment, advocacy, governance and evidence-based management of inclusive education at all levels (school, district, regional and national).

CRPD Toolkit For Africa Project

This project aims to to provide practical tools on various disability- related issues to government officials, members of parliament, civil and public servants at all levels, disabled persons organizations (DPOs) and all those with an interest in the inclusion of persons with disabilities in context of Somalia and Kenya.

All Publications

HAARAN Capability Statement
HAARAN Profile
HAARAN Policy Statement

Haaran's commitment to inclusive learning and advocacy for disabilities is truly inspiring and impactful in our community.

Community Leader

love to learn pencil signage on wall near walking man
love to learn pencil signage on wall near walking man
shallow focus photography of books
shallow focus photography of books
